Catering stands and Lunch box pre-order
(1) Catering stands and food truck service
During the trade fair, the catering stands and food trucks shown below will serve warm meals such as Ramen and light dishes. Please try some!
(No need of pre-orders. Cash only.)
(2) Pre-order for lunch box
You can also pre-order lunch boxes (from three different bento companies).
For the menus of lunch boxes, please download the order forms from below.
If you would like to place an order, please fill out the applicable form and submit it to the secretariat ( by September 29 (Friday).
We would like each company or organization to consolidate orders in one form when submitting the order.
▶Lunch Box Order Form (Food system Co., Ltd.).xlsx
▶Lunch Box Order Form (Minamoto Co., Ltd.).xlsx
▶Lunch Box Order Form (Kurobe Foods Supply Co., Ltd.).xlsx
Payment for lunch boxes can be made by cash only. Please pay at the lunch counter.
Location: Lunch box counter at the back of food court in the East Wing
Time: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm